About us

Mayfair Education is an international Company that helps to improve the ranking of educational establishments against internationally recognised metrics.

Our multi-skilled team of educational Experts provide a professional service both to help with an assessment of your Organisation as well as bespoke interventions that are solutions-focused and help to embed improvements in quality to help you become a leading Organisation within your region and national context.

Our company was established to harness the expertise in the UK relating to educational improvement and to share this resource with clients around the world.

The UK is distinguished both in its provision within the compulsory education sector (catering for children aged 5-18) and for the provision of higher education where the UK consistently ranks amongst the highest nations globally.

We work with UK practitioner experts across the education spectrum to capture and harness the highest standards recognised internationally.  For the School sector, We have developed excellent links with the Independent, fee-paying sector, which consistently creates the future leaders of the UK and the world spanning the world of business, industry, enterprise, the judiciary government and politics.  For the University sector, we have developed links with current and former staff in UK universities with responsibility for leadership and quality improvement.

Our expertise therefore spans a number of areas ranging from school and University leadership, through to an evaluation and improvement of policies, processes and procedures, to the improvement of quality metrics through the enhancement of quality processes and pedagogy.

Our Approach

Our approach is built on tried and tested improvement methodologies.  We are client-centred and develop the brief with our clients based on their circumstances and needs.  The joint brief usually comprises an understanding of the Client’s aspirations around the improvement agenda, including preferred international benchmarking systems.

We always offer a free diagnostic which includes an early assessment of standards and outcomes against international benchmarks.  This is followed by a much more detailed evaluation phase, which involves our Experts, looking at the Organisation in its context.  This includes an assessment of :-

  • pupil/student achievements;
  • the robustness of policies and procedures;
  • an evaluation of staff, including their deployment of pedagogy; an assessment of the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy and all enabling strategies, including student records;
  • quality processes;
  • digital infrastructure and, in the case of Universities, the capacity and capability around research, innovation and knowledge exchange.

We will also interview key staff both within and outside the organisation to build a 360, holistic view of the Organisation and its capabilities and performance.